Northern and Central Europe hub curators

Dmitry Kuzmin

Dmitry Kuzmin
Dmitry Kuzmin Moscow, 1968), is a Russian poet, critic, and publisher.
Studied philology at the Moscow State University, and graduated
from Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1993. In 2005, he got
a PhD for his thesis on one-line poems. In 2014, he is visiting
professor in Princeton University. Currently lives in Latvia.
He started his literary career in 1988 by organizing a group
of poets who now are known as the "Vavilon" circle of poets/writers.
In 1993 he founded the ARGO-RISK, an independent poetry press. In 1996
he published the first issue of the gay almanac called RISK. He is
a founder for web-resourses on Russian contemporary poetry
and LitKarta.
Kuzmin organised quite a number of poetry readings and festivals
and published about 300 books by other writers, and since 2006 he
publishes poetry magazine Vozdukh. He won a few awards for promotion
of the works by young writers, including the Andrei Bely Prize (2002).
In 2008 he published a collection of his poems and translations. Some of
his poems were translated into English, French, Serbian, Estonian, selection
of Ukrainian translations was published in 2018 as a book titled Blankets Are Not Included.

Bas Kwakman

Bas Kwakman
Bas Kwakman is a Dutch writer, poet, visual artist and culture manager.
From 2003 till 2019 he was Managing Director of Poetry International
Rotterdam, organizer of the annual Poetry International Festival,
and of Poetry International WEB, one of the most important international
websites on poetry.
Bas Kwakman was educated as a visual artist and teacher
of Art History. After his studies Marketing and Management
for Art and Culture he became an organizer in the field of
arts: visual arts, contemporary music and literature. In 1996
he co-founded Tortuca, a magazine and publishing house for Literature
and Visual Arts and in 2003 he started working for Poetry International.
He published in numerous international magazines. Bas Kwakman
published his first prose and artwork in the book Een stem van
paardenhaar (A voice of the Horses’ hair, 2014) together with
the Flemish poet Lies van Gasse, and his second book Hotelkamerverhalen
(Hotelroomstories, by Publishing House De Arbeiderspers 2017). The Spanish
translation of the book was published in 2018 as Habitaciones de Hotel.
In 2019 he published In poëzie en oorlog (In poetry and war).
Kwakman received the Ioannes Bressensis Award in Mexico-City
(2018) for his achievements promoting international poetry and
the Culture Medal Rotterdam (2019) for ‘making Rotterdam the Poetical Capital in the world.’
In August 2019 Bas Kwakman left his position as Festival Director
to focus on his writing and art. At the moment, he works on a book
of poetry, a novel about the creation of a Poetry Festival in the Gobi
Desert and an exhibition of his nature drawings.

Linda Maria Baros
Translator. Publisher.

Linda Maria Baros
Translator. Publisher.
Linda Maria Baros Poet. Translator. Publisher. Holds a PhD in Comparative
Literature from the Sorbonne University. Lives in Paris.
La nageuse désossée. Légendes métropolitaines (The Boneless
Swimmer. Metropolitan Legends) and 5 other poetry books. Her
poems are translated in 40 countries. Winner and general secretary
of the prestigious Apollinaire Prize. Full member and general rapporteur
of the Mallarmé Academy. Vice-president of the French PEN Club. Has
translated 40 books. Director of La Traductière publishing house and
of Poésie Poetry Paris/French-English Poetry Festival. Editor in chief
of the poetry and visual art magazine La Traductière.

Henrieke Stahl

Henrieke Stahl
Henrieke Stahl Professor for Slavic Literatures, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II,
University of Trier. Project Director and Speaker of DFG-Kolleg Research
Group “Russian-Language Poetry in Transition: Poetic
Forms – Addressing Boundaries of Genre, Language, and Culture
Across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.” Previously he was a director
for several research projects supported by DFG. Vice-President of
Kues Academy for the European History of Ideas. Representative of the
University of Trier at the Joint Academic Institution of the Universities
of Mainz, Oldenburg and Trier at Kues Academy. In 2000 she got a
Ph.D. for her thesis on ‘Renaissance des Rosenkreuzertums. Initiation
in Andrej Belyjs Romanen “Serebrjanyj golub’” und “Peterburg”’.
[The Renaissance of Rosicrucianism. Initiation in Andrej Belyj‘s Novels
“Serebrjanyj golub’” and “Peterburg”].

Matthias Fechner

Matthias Fechner
Matthias Fechner (1966, Stuttgart, Germany) did undergraduate and
graduate studies at the Universities of Stuttgart
and Manchester; and obtained his PhD at the University
of Sheffield. He worked for almost two decades full-time
as a school administrator and teacher in Germany, where
creative writing and the teaching of contemporary literature
became, among others, two of his specialist fields. He has
published essays from a participant observer’s perspective,
e.g., on the Accra Stadium disaster, on Christian fundamentalists
during the US presidential election, the demise of Odenwaldschule
or the breaking apart of Cusanus Hochschule. In 2018, he joined
the University of Trier’s DFG Centre for Advanced Studies on
“Russian-language Poetry in Transition: Poetic Forms – Addressing
Boundaries of Genre, Language, and Culture Across Europe, Asia,
and the Americas”. Since then, he has published and lectured widely
on contemporary poetry in English, German, French, and European
regional languages. His other research is dedicated to literary
history and education policy. He is a member of Netzwerk Lyrik
[], which could be deemed as a
successor organisation of ‘Group 47’.